048: Business as a relationship w/ Chantelle Andercastle

Business as a relationship.

With guest Chantelle Andercastle

048: Business as a relationship w/ Chantelle Andercastle

How can the relationship between yourself and your brand play a crucial role in building your business?

Today I’m joined by Chantelle Andercastle, a service based business strategist, web designer and creator of the Aligned Action approach. Since 2018, she has taught entrepreneurs how to get past where they’re stuck or where they’ve settled and help them grow into confident business owners who make conscious decisions and take meaningful action so they can generate true connection – and cash because hello, we’re all business owners here, right? – all while making their vision a reality. 

In this conversation that you are about to hear, Chantelle and I dive into a topic that I found really intriguing and really interesting: We’re going to be looking deeper into the relationship between the business owner and the business itself and how that connection between yourself and your brand plays a crucial role in building your business. I can’t wait to get stuck in. So without further ado here is that episode!

I started realising that there’s this give and take between the business owner and the business, and it’s like an ongoing conversation if you will.

— Chantelle Andercastle

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Petchy xx


049: What is it about community? w/ Eli Trier


047: Introducing: v2.0 of the Brand it! framework