079: You’re invited to the Brand values, not bland values! roundtable

The Brand values, not bland values! roundtable

With host Solveig Petch, aka Petchy

I’m doing something cool in October, and you’re invited!

This episode is dedicated to telling you about something really cool I’m doing in October — a free event that's all about embracing the power of values in your business. So, grab your favourite bevvie, get comfy, and tune in to hear what this is all about.

If you want to do business in a way that not only looks good, but also feels good and does good — this event is for you!

— Solveig Petch

  • I’m going to dedicate this episode to telling you about something really cool I’m doing in October — a free event that's all about embracing the power of values in your business. So, grab your favourite bevvie, get comfy, and tune in to hear what this is all about.

    To set the stage: I’d be a bit lost without my brand values, to be honest. In the world of business, strategies and tactics are constantly evolving — it’s kinda hard to keep up sometimes! If there’s one thing that remains constant; it’s my values. They’re what I believe in, what I stand for — and everything in-between. They’re my north star, my guiding force when I have tough decisions to make, and my comforting security blanket when something inevitably goes tits-up.

    I talk a lot about values in my work. I encourage all my clients to spend a good chunk of time honing in on their values, and to actually live by them too.

    Did you know that 82% of consumers want a brand’s values to align with their own? That’s pretty clear evidence that people want to buy from brands that stand for something beyond just their own success.

    I also know that many small business owners are a bit intimidated by this. They feel like their values don’t matter, like they’re not big enough for people to care about what they stand for — or they’re even scared that they’re going to lose precious business if they happen to upset someone by being clear about their values and beliefs.

    Yet what I see, time and time again, as I work with my clients is this: when they take the brave step of embracing their values, things start to shift. They feel confident and empowered — and proud! And that shines through in everything they do.

    I’ve been toying with the idea of creating some kind of event around brand values for a long time. I wasn’t quite sure what that would look like, but I knew two things:

    • I wanted to bring people together in a community setting to encourage conversations and discussions, and spark some genuine connections.

    • I didn’t want this to be just me on a pedestal, some kind of elevated expert, talking to people and then pitching something at the end of the event. Yuck, I’ve had enough of all that.

    Over the summer, the idea gradually became clearer in my mind. I knew I didn’t want to create an online summit, at least not in the way we’ve come to know them. I knew I didn’t want it to be overwhelming, or something you’d have to either attend live OR pay to access the recordings afterwards (because hello, who has a full week to dedicate to watching a gazillion live trainings, that may even take place in a different time zone?!). I knew I didn’t want to ask people to provide content in a format dictated by me. I also knew that, while it may be naïve of me, I didn’t want this to be a “for profit” event.

    I wanted it to be a collaborative effort where I take on a facilitator role. I wanted it to be an opportunity for me, and the guest contributors, and the attendees to expand our networks and our collective view of what we can achieve as a group of small business owners leaning into our values.

    I’ve had the pleasure of attending several community events where the brilliant Eli Trier has played a role, and they always felt so refreshingly different. That’s the vibe I wanted. So while I’ve not used Eli’s framework for this event, I want to give credit where credit is due and say thanks for being a source of inspiration — and a wonderful human.

    And that’s how the Brand values, not bland values roundtable was born. A gathering of like-minded small business owners who believe in the power of business to create meaningful change.

    And so, from the 2nd to the 29th of October I invite you to attend the Brand values, not bland values! roundtable, and immerse yourself in powerful discussions, surrounded by a supportive network of small business owners who share your vision for a better world.

    This is a free virtual event for small business owners who want to challenge the notion that we have limited impact and prove that even the smallest brand can create significant change — when we all lean into our values to create a ripple effect!

    I chose to name this a roundtable, because that’s exactly what it is intended to be:

    • a meeting of peers for discussion and exchange of views

    • a discussion or meeting where everyone is thought of as equal in importance

    • a meeting at which people discuss something and everyone has an equal chance to express an opinion

    Over the course of 4 weeks, we'll gather around a virtual table, where the curated conversation starters are not placed on some kind of guru or expert pedestal, but are simply brought in to encourage discussion around their take on the role of brand values.

    I asked a bunch of brilliant minds to tell us:

    —how establishing clear brand values has made a difference in their journey as a small business owner — and what potential they see for broader impact. How are they turning their values into actions?

    And let me tell you: their contributions are something else! They’re all very different, but equally amazing and thought provoking. As I’ve been reading, listening, and watching, I’ve had several goosebump moments. I’ve been moved to tears. I’ve been enlightened nd nudged to look at things from a different angle. What these humans are bringing to the table to share with you is a unique opportunity to peek into their minds, as well as their brands. They’re generous, they’re vulnerable, they’re strong, they’re powerful — and they’re inspiring.

    Seriously, you don’t want to miss this! I’m getting emotional just talking about it!

    Now, like I said — and that you’ve probably figured out by now — this is not your average virtual summit.

    This is a roundtable, a conscious community gathering with ample time and space for you to digest and reflect on new insights. So, rather than feeling like you just left a "cram session", you have the room for meaningful connection and conversations.

    Through thought provoking videos, audio clips, and/or written pieces from our carefully curated conversation starters, I hope to spark conversations + connections inside a community setting.

    That means you are a vital part of the experience. We need you, and your unique spin on things, to join the conversation.

    Oh, and unlike most virtual summits, I won’t be selling you anything at the end of it all, and the space will remain open indefinitely, at no extra cost. No VIP Access pass needed, because we’re all VIPs around here!

    Who is this event for?
    It’s for anyone who wants to build their business and brand in a way that not only looks good, but also feels good and does good! I reckon there’s a good chance that this will resonate with you, given that you’re listening to this podcast! You’re going to love this gathering if you’re

    • A quiet rebel who believes in the power of business to create positive change and is committed to making a difference through your brand.

    • A change-maker who strives to build a brand that authentically communicates your values and resonates with your target audience on a deeper level.

    • A visionary who is forward-thinking and looking to shape the future of your industry through purposeful brand building.

    • An entrepreneur who values networking, collaboration, and learning from others in a supportive and inclusive community.

    Basically, if you’re a passionate, values-driven small business owner who wants to build a brand that not only succeeds but also makes a positive difference in the world, then you’ll feel right at home!

    And speaking of feeling at home… I want you to come as you are!

    No, seriously. This is a virtual event, so you can show up in your PJs if you want! All you need is an internet connection and a device to read/view/listen/type on. And I’d like you to enter the community space as your full and true self. Please don’t feel like you have to pretend to be someone you’re not, or “tone down” your personality in any way. It’s YOU that we need present, not your “socially acceptable” alter ego. OK?

    Let’s talk about the container this event will take place in.

    Spoiler alert: it’s not a Facebook group. The main discussion venue is a closed group inside my community space, hosted on the Heartbeat platform, away from the distractions of social media. This is where we'll meet to discuss and connect around each contribution — and the overarching topic.

    You will also get every contributor’s piece delivered straight to your inbox, so if you prefer to lurk in the background that’s fine too. I hope you’ll want to join the discussion though!

    It’s time to claim your seat at the table — I hope to see you there!

If you enjoyed this episode, remember to subscribe so you don’t miss the next one! I’d also be super grateful if you’d share my podcast with a biz friend or two, or leave me a review.

Petchy xx


078: Creating a positive + profitable community culture w/ Jennifer Battle